
Articles Posted in Grand Larceny by Embezzlement


Raise the Age, Extraordinary Circumstances, Adolescent Offenders and Heightened Services: Removing Child Theft and Robbery Prosecutions in Adult Court to Family Court

Perhaps the most common type of crime committed by young people in New York and beyond is theft. Whether it’s a privileged teenager stealing a magazine for a thrill, or a child who has fallen into gang activity robbing a person on the street, theft-related offenses are all too common…


To Deprive, or Not to Deprive, that is the Larcenous Question: A Deeper Dive into Larceny and Intent

While many instances of theft seem simple enough, there is actually much more going on in any given theft from a legal point of view whether you are charged with any degree of Grand Larceny or Petit Larceny. Under New York law, and as your criminal defense attorney can further…


Financial Crimes and Financial Services Professionals: FINRA, U4s and New York Theft and Fraud Crimes

New York City, more than anywhere in the nation, is the venue for criminal prosecutions of financial professionals such as investment bankers, Wall Street traders, and compliance professionals. These kinds of cases might as well be considered a completely separate area of law from the more typical criminal practice involving…


Manhattan Embezzlement Investigation Results in No Charges: Grand Larceny Case in Excess of $100,000 Stops Short of Arrest

Sometimes the threat of an arrest or prosecution is enough to send an innocent person into a deep depression or panic. After all, if an Assistant District Attorney or detective with the NYPD is asking you questions (never forget your right to counsel and similar right to refuse to answer…


I was Arrested for Grand Larceny In New York: Challenging Property Value to Lessen Criminal Exposure

The difference between a felony and a misdemeanor is drastic. Whether the crime or crimes you are arrested for in New York involve those of the white collar or street variety, any criminal conviction is permanent. With a felony conviction, however, there is greater exposure to collateral consequences. When an…


Understanding the Crime of Extortion in New York in the Context of Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman

Extortion is an ugly word. Merely hearing it conjures up thoughts of violence, threats and blackmail. While we all have our own perception or idea as to what constitutes the crime or offense of Extortion, each state has its own criminal definition or statutes establishing the crime. For New York…


Larceny of Common Property: Can You Steal Property that is Jointly Owned?

As an experienced New York criminal defense attorney serving Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and the surrounding counties such as Westchester, I am routinely confronted with legal question surrounding New York Grand Larceny crimes and other New York larceny laws and theft laws. In today’s blog post I want to…

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