
Articles Posted in Grand Larceny of Credit Cards


Is a Verdict Repugnant if a Defendant is Guilty of Grand Larceny but Not Guilty of Identity Theft and Using Forged Credit Cards to Complete the Theft

No matter how long your criminal defense lawyer or criminal defense attorney has practiced in the courts of New York, every criminal trial he or she faces is unique and can have complex legal issues. During a criminal trial a defendant may be charged with multiple crimes and the jury may…


Credit Card Theft & Fraud in New York: Does the NY Penal Law Require Possession of Actual Credit Card to Establish Felony Grand Larceny or Criminal Possession of Stolen Property

Crimes involving the theft and wrongful use of credit cards and debit cards are the types of offenses that seem to escalate each year. Certainly, the ease by which one can steal or use a stolen credit card is undeniable. While many times it is one’s intent to steal a…


New York PL 155.30 & Stealing Credit Card Numbers: Is Criminal Theft of Credit Card Account Numbers the Same as an Actual Credit Card

It’s fairly irrelevant what you call it. Credit Card Fraud, Debit Card Fraud, Credit Card Theft, Debit Card Theft, Identity Theft…the fraudulent obtaining and use of credit card numbers and accounts is so drastic and commonplace, that barring the dollar amount hitting the tens of millions or more, this type…


Interesting Legal Wrinkles in New York Credit Card Fraud Defense: Examining “Property” & “Owner” in a NY Grand Larceny & Stolen Property Case

When one is arrested in New York for Grand Larceny of Criminal Possession of Stolen Property, the property in question is often ascertainable in a quick and easy manner. After all, if you steal a car, a painting or money, the property “speaks for itself.” Equally clear, the owner of…


New York VIP Service Founder Indicted: Proprietor of Giuliano Group Concierge Accused of Grand Larceny from Clients

While an arrest for Grand Larceny can lead to an indictment charging only one crime, in New York City it is far from atypical for that Grand Larceny arrest to be a part of a much larger scheme. In fact, as shown by the recent arrest and indictment of Robert…


When Possessing a Stolen $5 Gift Card to Starbucks Becomes a Felony in New York: Understanding New York Penal Law 165.45(2)

As we’ve often mentioned, under the New York Penal Law (often called the New York Criminal Law or New York Criminal Code), the seriousness of a vast majority of larceny-related crimes is usually based not upon what type of property is stolen, but rather, the value of the stolen property…


Multiple Convictions for Possessing the Same Stolen Property Over a Period of Time: Understanding Jeopardy & New York Penal Law Article 165

Under New York’s larceny laws and theft crimes statutes, certain crimes and offenses are completed at the time they are committed. Take, for example, Grand Larceny, pursuant to Article 155 of the New York Penal Law. Under New York Penal Law 155.30, a person commits Grand Larceny in the Fourth…


Credit & Debit Card Theft, New York Penal Law 155.30(4): Committing A Felony Without Even Realizing

It “is what it is.” Sadly, I have seen it not only when I served as a New York prosecutor in Robert Morgenthau’s Manhattan District Attorneys Office, but I have seen as a New York criminal lawyer as well. Maybe you stole a purse and didn’t realize there was a…


Larceny of Common Property: Can You Steal Property that is Jointly Owned?

As an experienced New York criminal defense attorney serving Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and the surrounding counties such as Westchester, I am routinely confronted with legal question surrounding New York Grand Larceny crimes and other New York larceny laws and theft laws. In today’s blog post I want to…

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