
Articles Posted in Grand Larceny by Scheme to Defraud


Financial Crimes and Financial Services Professionals: FINRA, U4s and New York Theft and Fraud Crimes

New York City, more than anywhere in the nation, is the venue for criminal prosecutions of financial professionals such as investment bankers, Wall Street traders, and compliance professionals. These kinds of cases might as well be considered a completely separate area of law from the more typical criminal practice involving…


New York Scheme to Defraud: Understanding the “Moral Certainty” Standard of NY PL 190.65 and 190.60

The criminal charge of Scheme to Defraud in New York often arises in the context of intricate and large-scale thefts. As such, there is typically a Grand Larceny or other theft-related offense accompanying the Scheme to Defraud charge on a felony complaint or indictment. While it is tempting to see…


New York Martin Act and Scheme to Defraud: Important Criminal Defense Issues and Differences

Financial crimes such as New York Scheme to Defraud and charges under the New York Martin Act are notoriously complex and difficult to understand and interpret. This complexity only becomes more significant when there are, as is typically the case with such criminal charges, hundreds of thousands of pieces of…


Queens DA: Bogus Harvard Grad Defrauds Six Doctors & Others into Investing in Bogus Healthcare Facility While Taking Out in Excess of $400K Worth of Credit in Their Names

In what can be described as an interesting twist on an increasingly common crime, Queens prosecutors have charged Delloyd Hill, a.k.a., Tom Hill, with multiple counts of Grand Larceny, Identity Theft and Scheme to Defraud for allegedly defrauding a half-a-dozen physicians. Hill’s arrest stems from an investigation by the NYPD…


The Moral Certainty Standard in a New York Grand Larceny Case: A Criminal Law Assessment of Theft by False Promise with a Touch of Scheme to Defraud

In in a previous blog entry I addressed what constitutes a New York Scheme to Defraud under Penal Law 190.60 and 190.65. Experienced New York Grand Larceny defense attorneys, specifically those familiar with white-collar theft and fraud crimes, know that a Scheme to Defraud indictment often comes hand-in-hand with the…


Understanding & Defining “Property” in a New York Scheme to Defraud, Theft & Larceny Crime

New York is no stranger to white-collar crime. In this recession, post-Madoff era it is no wonder that District Attorney’s throughout the greater New York City area are coming down hard on white-collar criminals. In today’s blog post I’d like to discuss one of the laws often at the center…

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